Canadian Base Operators’ Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) was a perfect 0.0 in the year 2023. This superb accomplishment is the result of our workforce’s unwavering dedication to health and safety.
The TRIR is a metric based on a set number of employees, the number of recorded injuries, illnesses and fatalities, and the total amount of hours the employees worked over a specified period of time. CBO celebrated achieving a TRIR of 0.00 in 2020 and is extremely proud to again for 2023.
For almost 30 years, CBO has been providing multi-trade infrastructure solutions. Working safely supports our mission to deliver industry-leading facility management and logistical support services to clients in the Canadian defence, aviation, and energy sectors across Canada.

CBO’s safety culture all starts with a strong organizational commitment to continuous improvement and full participation toward a goal of zero workplace incidents. This is supported by exceptional communication, supervision, education, training, and resources. At CBO employees hear and see mottos like “Never Pass a Fault”, “Live and Work Safely”, “Home Safely Always” and “Nobody Gets Hurt Today or Tomorrow” – these values are never far from anyone’s mind each day.
Leadership, commitment, and active support from management is critical for the success of CBO’s Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Management System – our managers embrace this and ensure our work performance is influenced by this System. At CBO we work shoulder to shoulder with our valued customers and subcontractors to ensure full HSE compliance throughout every aspect of our operations.
“Having a 2023 TRIR of zero with over 473,732 hours of work is an outstanding feat. This could not have been possible without our committed, safety ready CBO staff who leave their families each morning and come to work.”
Hugh Clarke, CBO Deputy Operations Manager
“As we proceed into 2024, it is imperative that we maintain and further strengthen our resolve and commitment to safety. The vigilance and questioning attitude that our employees have demonstrated are key elements in our ongoing efforts to ensure a safe working environment for all.”
Mike Peckham, CBO General Manager
Congratulations, CBO for successfully meeting our customers’ needs in the most critical environments in 2023 and doing so with safety as priority number one. Well done!