CBO sponsored the annual Ralston Rodeo at CFB Suffield in July 2022. This long-standing event brings military and ranching community members together to celebrate and exchange their culture. There were fun and exciting amateur events for British Army Training Unit Suffield (BATUS) and CFB Suffield community members to participate in. Events also included members of the Siksika Nation who performed a grand entrance with traditional dances and shared their history. It was a great time for all, with lots of activities for the families, food trucks, and the night ended with talented local bands playing for the crowd. CBO Site Manager, Denice Hamel was proud that her son was involved in the entertainment. CBO provides facilities management services to BATUS; where, in addition to routine service of over 144 buildings, and taking care of all the military housing through Canadian Forces Housing Agency (CFHA) at CFB Suffield, provides additional work request services for the entire training facility – the largest of its kind in Canada. CBO is honoured to be part of the Ralston, Alberta community and to sponsor such an enjoyable and significant day.